Done, done, done! Now it is time to party – woo hoo!

My kind of party is a lot of just laying around until I feel so slug-like that I can’t stand myself any more.

I finished my goal of 10 blankets for Project Little Lambs. I am so tired that I don’t even want to put in a link for you. Really.

I don’t know why I am so tired, but I am. It feels good to be done, not that it was a big heavy weighing me down kind of thing. I guess it was all the making sure all the ends were woven in kind of stuff. I spent a good 3 hours finishing up last night, the last bits of crocheting to do on the final blanket, and then working on the blanket of a million ends, it’s slightly less daunting multiple ended brother.

I really finished this a.m. because I just couldn’t do any more last night. I kept myself amused by watching Hairspray. Such great music and the beautiful costumes, just so much fun.

cblanket11-2So here is the last blanket:

This was another larger sized. It was nice enough but the yarn for the dark brown blobs of it was so silky it was kind of hard to work with. The photo makes it look very uneven and that the closer brown portion is larger, but because I am short, whenever I take a photo of my blankets, they have a weird perspective —- those brown sections are really the same size.

Now I am going to do a whole heap of dish and hand towels for Christmas 2008.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
