Guess what this means:

Guess what this means:

This is the sign of an afghan in it’s last stages of completion. The weaving in of all the tails of yarn. The best way to do this is to get a whole bunch of DVDs to listen to (remember, your eyes aren’t on the screen) or CDs because it is less distracting. Have the remote handy because you will be jumping up and down to get iced tea refills, taking potty breaks and letting the dog and/or cats in or out. You need to have a pair of very sharp scissors (buried under the stack of ends in this photo), needles and such.

I always like to have a my laminated photo of the Dalai Lama around or in my pocket wherever I go. Looking at it reminds me to be compassionate. Keeps the criticism down and helps me to peaceful and relax while I am doing something as mind numbing as finishing an afghan.

Cats and dogs usually like to help too!


This one is using most of my stash of blues and greens. The pattern is from 200 Ripple Stitches, by Jan Eaton, using the pattern called warm waves. It is was fun to do and the ripple is very bendy. All increase and decreases – not too holey, but I like to think that it is holy seeing the Dalai Lama was involved. It is about 39 inches across and 52 inches long. I used a repeating pattern of 2 greens, 1 blue, 1 green, 2 blues. There is a spot up on the upper left where I ran out of the medium blue I was using so I had to sub in some darker bright blue. I like to think of it as a cute freckle on a serene face.


12 thoughts on “Guess what this means:

  1. I like those colors a lot. My new kitty has gotten my knitting bug active again — because of course I had to knit her a new toy. I’ll have to work down my stash for a while. πŸ™‚

  2. This is beautiful. I’ve looked at this stitch pattern too. I like it the best from all the others in the book. You’ve chosen lovely colors.

  3. Fabulous! Susan, thanks for sharing this pretty one. I do love blue!

    Also, your cat is beautiful! Somehow in all this time I have missed that you had her! I think I need some meditation time, too!

    BTW, my blog and I have been disconnected by my stupidity (deleted a gmail addy) and so am starting another. I hope the old one doesn’t entirely disappear – am trying to get it back! πŸ™‚ B

  4. Hi there, I absolutely love this afghan, it is gorgeous and I love your colors! You have inspired me to make one in scrap colors to use up all those endless odds and ends. I’ve got the book so I have the pattern. I like the size you made, do you remember how many chain you started with?
    I love reading your blog, you’re so inspiring, I check in every couple of days to see if there’s anything new. Keep blogging and keep crafting, we love it!
    Michelle xxx

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