A Birthday of Sorts

Today at 6:00ish a.m. I birthed my new website, SusanAguirre.com. It isn’t complete by a long shot, but I do have most of my Reiki information there. My Tarot for Transformation pages will probably be done today, as well as my Zen Life section (links to here and HealingBeadwork.com websites too). Edited 12/3/2016 – I no longer have those websites.

Why the changes?… I am in the midst of the beginnings of a single life again. Yeah me! I actually appreciate change and this is a good thing for me. New life, new website.

Please visit me there and let me know what you think: My main page is pretty plain, should I re-do? Do I need to have visual links vs. the hidden ones? Are the colors appealing? etc.


4 thoughts on “A Birthday of Sorts

  1. Love the warm yellow pages. It felt like a shock to go to the other colors – maybe subtle-down the background colors, though I really like the inset pictures a lot and wouldn’t change those at all.

    Congrats on the new site! You’ve obviously put a lot of work into it, which in itself is healing for YOU! Your new start is obviously healthy for you.

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