Almost there!

I finished crocheting another ripple. This one is 37 x 56 inches. Done in earth tones. Here it is:


It is the same ripple stitch as the blue and greens I did a bit ago. This time instead of a somewhat random I did 2 repeating patterns.

Here are some close-ups of some of the repeats:



Basically it is one skein of each color except for the variegated, and the greens are really 3 different. I ran out of one and had to sub in the 2nd green along the way, but it isn’t really that bad and is somewhat hidden because it is next to a variegated stripe, so the eye doesn’t land hard there. That is what I am telling myself anyway.

I started another today (9 out of my goal of 10) and I am finding not having enough yarn is getting to be a repeating issue. That is one of the problems of doing stash projects – you finally run out of stash! I guess that is a nice problem. All I need to do is go out and get some more yarn, which isn’t a sad thing at all. Here is what I have so far:


It is called the Sideways Shell Baby Afghan, by Donna Laing. I started out with a longer starting chain because I am using sportweight yarn. It is an easy, quick pattern. I have already used up 2 of my 6 skeins of the yarn. Not enough yarn, so I am going to try to find some matching sportweight to put 2 or more sections of solid between each 2 skein stripe. There will also be a solid colored border. That is the plan, anyway.

More later!

~ Peace

Christmas 2007 is finally over!

I finished sewing my sister’s Christmas 2007 afghan last night. Here it is, just hanging out on one of my chairs.


I still need to de-hair, wash and dry the afghan before giving it to my sis.

I planned on sewing together RetinaBurn, but dang I just don’t feel like doing that. So today I will start crocheting together my circles into hexagons chakra blanket. I have my corrected plan here too.

See you later!

~ Peace