Progress and SNOW

It is finally snowing here. Earlier today it was raining – cold rain that started to turn into slushy rain which is bad, bad, bad.

I had just come home from shopping so I am safe. But DH/WT is still at work and I am really hoping he has a nice drive home. He is still feeling pretty crappy with his 3rd prescription for antibiotics for a long-standing sinus infection. Add thrush/oral yeast infection to that and then pile on end of the year stress, and then a heaping dose of holidays.

bags ready for felting We are already celebrating by gift giving before Christmas. Two huge shelving units from Ikea; one for the living room and one for my office/sewing room. Also a new flat screen for my computer – yipeee! I installed it this a.m. and it is very, very nice.

Some knitting pics to show you; four bags ready for felting. Aren’t they cute? I know they will felt up really nice. Again, all from Patons Soy Wool, using the Kureyon-Chan pattern by Chris. The one on the left is going to have an across the shoulder strap instead of the braided short straps as pictured on the pattern. That one will also have a button closure, the other three will be plain.

The only thing keeping me from felting them is my fear of things creepie crawlie in my dungeon basement. I just hate centipedes. Sometimes I can just get over it and trek down there, but right now it is a big no go.

Another finished project is a hat knit from the top down using Live Dangerously, Don’t Swatch pattern by Susan Lawrence. I love it! I paid for the nice .pdf version, a steal at only $3. I especially like the i-cord bind-off. I hope giftee likes it. I went for washable so it was knit using about half a ball of Encore. A nice brown/black tweed with bits of dark blue.

I also chose Encore to start up a scarf for the Red Scarf Project. This time in a dark red & black tweed. I am going to do the here and there cable from the Interweave Scarf Style book. I love that book. I tried out the pattern (without swatching) on Sunday during community knitting at Borealis Yarns. It was way too wide, even after 2 repeats of the cables, which really sucked it in. So the no swatch thing became a rip-it-out and start over kind of thing which is perfectly fine. I decided to take it down 18 stitches so that it is a more reasonable width. I don’t have anything to show you yet, except for a photo of the yarn.

Still plugging away at the Elf sock. I should finish tonight. Socks on 0s take a looooooooong time. Even though they look super weird long snakes, I will still have some yarn left over. Maybe enough to use it on heels and toes of a solid green or lilac sock. Or maybe a solid white to tone it down a bit.


6 thoughts on “Progress and SNOW

  1. Wow, I can hardly wait to see them felted!! I’m curious about how they will work in that yarn.

    I hope your DH got home safely. I took sidestreets, stopping at Home Depot to pick up a few tubes of sand for my rear-wheel drive car. Life was much better after I bought the sand!

  2. Hey, I was thinking about knitting my Red Scarf Project in that pattern too! Great minds think alike! I just got the Vogue Knitting On the Go Scarves 2 book in at the library, so I’m going to check that out before making a final decision. Hope you enjoy the holidays!

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  4. beware of felting the SWS….it usually takes me about 20-40 mintues to felt in my washer, my SWS purse took less than 5 and was barely big enough for a wallet—just wanted to give a fair warning.
    the bags are beautiful though!!
    i’m doing a booga bag in the natural plum SWS right now.

  5. Pingback: Purling Away » 1 skein + 1 day - laundry = an almost one-day wonder

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