1 down, 34 to go

Squares that is, not whole afghans. Although sometimes it does feel like I have committed to doing something just not possible; nine-Nine-NINE whole afghans by 12/24/07 (we celebrate Christmas eve). And of those 9, 2 are going to Florida, so that really makes the deadline sooner.

I am almost done with the one I haven’t posted. I am still working on the June/July because it is still July. I have about 1/6 to 1/4 left to do – no problem. The issue with that one is that it is knit and getting too big to lug around. For some reason the crocheted ones are doable to the end; knit afghans need more support.

So I started the July/August one – which may be my July-December one because it is a granny square type – crochet. Here is the one down:

Starry Night - knit afghan in 6 colors - Red Heart Super Saver

It is called, Starry Night, from 100 Afghans to Knit & Crochet. I am doing the Red Heart Super Saver yarn thing again, using the exact colors from the book. This one is for my sister Chaachi. She already knows I am doing it for her so it isn’t a secret. She even chose it! I love creating things that I know the giftee will love. No disappointment = all good.

How is it all going for you? Hope you are all healthy and happy or at least knowing that you are working toward those goals.


3 thoughts on “1 down, 34 to go

  1. Hey, Susan! Everything looks just wonderful! I was tempted for a moment to try your “Chocolate” game, but when you mentioned spread sheets to keep track of things, I knew I wasn’t into that yet.

    I do a few games (my kids gave me Hoyle puzzle and board games) so I do try to keep the noggin’ alive; Sudoku helps, too. But knitting and gardening are still “it” for me.

    Keep doing all these things you are doing, and sharing when you can. Your blog always brings a smile! Thank you!


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