Afghans and socks


I finished the knitting part of my Cotton-Ease Color Block Baby Afghan aka RetinaBurn.

I need to find my Interweave Knits Spring 2002 issue to help me figure out how to seam in seed stitch. After that is comes the decision to sew on a backing and all the other steps and decisions that go along with that.

On Friday, March 7th I knew I needed a new public knitting/take along project. Especially since the next day was to be spent at the DFL county caucus. WT and I were delegates and also on some of the subcommittees. I volunteered to person the check-in table. It had a fancy name, but basically check in the delegates by ward etc. After the mad rush was over, I had a lot of time to sit and listen and knit. Great fun! I was very glad I participated.

I expected to see some other knitters, but they weren’t blatantly obvious. Had a few knitters comment, I really wish I had brought my knitting.

I started up the garter stitch top of a pair of socks with my favorite pattern, Ridged Feather using Regia Havanna Color.


I just love the colors – very peaceful and kind of beachy.  I have also picked up my sisters Christmas Afghan (crochet) and hope to be able to share the finished project with you soon.


6 thoughts on “Afghans and socks

  1. The color block afghan is gorgeous! I wasn’t sure I was going to like it when you first posted, but now that it’s all together, I love it! Good looking socks, there, too. :^)

  2. OMG! Seaming in seed stitch? Let me know what you learn! I can’t imagine this, myself. I’ve learned to do a chain with a crochet hook for a seam. I am such an amateur! This blanket is absolutely super and I love the bold, as you know!

    You have a lot to learn and do yet with this; keep sharing so we all learn along with you. B

  3. Susan, the baby block afghan is gorgeous. But what really intrigues me is your mention someplace else of a short row heel ala Priscilla Gibson-Roberts. Who is that? What is unique about her short row heel? Can you recommend a web site or book where I can see it up close?

    Mary H. from your MN AK group

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