Moving along…

I decided to let the strips of RetinaBurn age for a bit before seaming. I have found the magazine article that details seaming in seed stitch – and it looks pretty doable but maybe I shouldn’t be so cocky about it, especially since Margaret, future foster parent, told me today that she and her husband will be finishing the paperwork to become foster parents.  I figure they will get a child very soon after the paperwork goes in. I guess I shouldn’t let the strips marinate for too long.

When I set RetinaBurn down I picked up Chaachi’s Christmas 2007 afghan up to get it moving along. After all, it is March! I should have completed it for her birthday on the 8th, but but but.

I decided to start doing the granny squares production style. That way I won’t have to be constantly looking over directions and re-remembering each row. Making mistakes and such.

Once I got all the centers done it was much easier to just crochet away and not have to count them so much. Just to be sure I had the right number and all. I am a bit crazed in that area – I probably don’t need to tell you that, it isn’t like it is some deep dark never shared secret, especially if you remember the post about the number of stitches in the Moderne Log Cabin that I did.

Here’s a photo of my progress after Monday evening:


See that last row? How perfect it looks, how nicely those stacks of ALL of the 32 (out of 35) medium blue rows are just sitting there, smiling smugly in their whateverness?

Tuesday night I was talking to Chaachi about how I was just going to continue to rip right along with doing basically one row a night of the 32 blocks (3 finished already) and have this beauty done in about a week — taking into account how life intrudes and all that and dang it if I didn’t discover that I had done 30 of those 32 wrong. Just that last “perfect” row mind you. Ah the irony. Life did intrude.

But I finished fixing those blocks on Tuesday night and tonight, Wednesday, I almost finished the row that I would have done last night. Chaachi’s Starry Night will still be done in about a week though. Take THAT whoever you are. You can’t be the knitting goddess because this isn’t knitting. I can hardly believe that crochet has a goddess associated with it – but perhaps a gnome or some fanciful sprite or such.  So I promise I won’t try so very hard to bring down your wrath.  Let’s be friends and get along, shall we?


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