

Wheels or yoyos, whatever they are called, they are fun to crochet. I took my work-basket full of wheels to my weekly BeadLadies meeting. By the end of the meeting the wheels had been dug through so they were somewhat mixed up.

Then the basket tipped over on the drive home. When I got home I decided to dump them out and start taking photos of my process of getting them back into order. It was kind of fun to really mess them up even more to see the way the colors looked. Although I am far from being done, I think the end result with all 3 rows of color will work out well.


This blanket won’t look as eye popping as my RetinaBurn. Good thing because it is meant to be a fibery healing tool.

Right now it is my bit of color therapy. There are a lot of changes in store for my life and having something calming and orderly helps me to relax and not get too hung up on perfection.

There is also the therapy of putting them back into some sort of order. Especially since getting them back to that planned order will help me to finish the 2nd row, and do the 3rd color row. Each stack is 5 wheels of the same 1st and 2nd rows = 30 rows per outer row color, right now I have 30×5=150. There will be a total of 210 wheels/yoyos that will be turned into 210 hexagons.

Just a few minutes later I ended up with this photo on the right.

Back in order and more easy to see that I still have both the dark blue (looking like black in the photo) and purple 2nd color rows to do before I can tackle the 3rd and final color row.

Here they are resting in my work-basket. hexagon-yoyo3

I will be finishing up the 2nd rows and maybe even moving ahead to the next row tonight! Whee!

It has been such a fun project so far. What are you all working on?


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