Just can’t wait

Can’t wait until I am entirely done with this project. Had to get it out into the blog and Ravelry world. Tonight I finished most of the work on my 1st child’s blanket for Project Little Lambs.

Anyway, here is what I have done so far:

Just tonight I finished doing the last rows on full hexagons, and started working on the half-hexagons. It took many attempts until I was happy with the half-hexagon. It isn’t perfect, but it will do and I think it will look better after I crochet on a border. I have to figure out what color(s) to use for that too. But basically, it is looking pretty good if I do say so myself. I hope to finish this one up some time tomorrow, and then I will post a better photo and some of the details – yarn amounts used and such.

I may do another hexagon blanket using some of the other discontinued cotton-ease colors: pink, lt blue, purple – perhaps white again, but maybe not as the main color. So more later…


Circles into Hexagons and other things

I have crocheted all 210 3-color circles for my chakra blanket. Just tonight I finished the placement plan:


Now I have to crochet them all together. That means working the last 2 rows on all of them, taking them from circles to hexagons.

From this placement I am only using 163 of the circles, the rest I am going to make into pillows or some sort of wall hanging for the healing space.

So, what do you think?

I am impressed to say I even figured out a way to make the plan. All those 3 colored circles are stacked images. I couldn’t figure out how to do it in my graphics software (Paintshop Pro) but I managed it in Windows Publisher. Sometimes the tool for the job is the one that lets you do things in the rough way – quickish and non-arty but good enough.

Other things I have been up to are sewing together my sister’s afghan. I might have that done tomorrow evening. I am bringing it along for my project during my BeadLadies meeting.

After sewing up my sister’s afghan m y plan is to star sewing the RetinaBurn afghan. It will feel good to have both of these sewing stages of these projects done. I think I will be able to enjoy the crocheting process of the hexagon chakra blanket if I know some of my other projects aren’t haunting me.

But that doesn’t mean I feel so guilty that I am not going to be doing my computer games. Have you found Sheep’s Quest yet? It is a hoot. You help sheep to upgrade their farm by moving through maze-like formations – make arrows so that they will follow, pick up coins and keep them away from the predators (wolves, penguins, etc.) and normal sheep landscape items like land-mines, pits and such. I finished the game – purchased all the upgrades so now my sheep can watch giant outdoor screens, go to the arcade, and dance at the disco. That’s a normal sheep’s life, isn’t it?

p.s. I just spied a mistake involving 2 circles. Can you find it too?


From Ripples to Squares to Hexagons

Still feeling the love for afghans/blankets. I finished all the 35 squares of my sisters Starry Night. So now I have both that afghan and the strips of Retina Burn to sew together. But I am just not in the mood for that kind of finishing work.

I have had it on my mind to do a hexagon afghan/blanket ever since I saw so many beautiful ones in the hexagon love group on Flickr and within the granny square’s group on Ravelry. I have had a big bag of Vanna’s Choice yarn in muted rainbow (chakra) colors waiting for the perfect afghan (blanket) pattern. Decided that doing it up in stripes ala ripple would be too – too – something or other. Hexagons out of a circle seems to fit seeing that I want them to represent chakras for my Reiki Healing area.


So I decided to just try my hand at doing up one from really eyeballing the many versions I have seen. I did a test using a bit of my stash of cotton-ease (discontinued colors).

I am really liking it! So much so that even though this is just a test, and my primary focus will be doing up the chakra (rainbow) colored one, I must Must MUST do one up using my cotton-ease stash too. For a gift or for another blanket for ME!

Here is the first hexagon done up using the Vanna’s Choice yarn:


My plan is to use 3 colors without any repeats, for example: red/orange/yellow, red/orange/green, etc. and then use the beige in all of the hexagons.

That means I will have 210 unique 3-color combinations! I am hoping that that the beige outters will help unify the afghan and keep it from looking too rainbow bright. I haven’t decided how to arrange them, so that means that I will have to hold off on doing the beige part until I am finished with all the 3-color circles because the outer bit is done joining them together. Cool!
